Thursday, June 16, 2011

g a r d e n g n o m e a r t s

Garden Gnome Arts Jewelry and Crafts are designed and hand crafted by myself, Camille Larson; artists and designer. I am confident that my talent and knowledge of the arts along with vast experience in the high end fashion world, helps me to bring together elements of color and style not found by many other designers.

How's that for sounding like a resume? The truth is this, I have a passion for everything artsy and craftsy that I can get my hands on. Speaking more truths, I have a tendency to lose complete interest very quickly in anything I am working on, UNLESS I am doing something I enjoy! I enjoy making jewelry, and making messes. I also draw stuff, paint stuff, am very passionate about music and I love cooking. Anything that keeps me far away from the housework. I don't like cleaning.

My husband's name is Eric and he's super cute. I like him. A lot-lot. We have three cocker spaniels, and two cats. They all have fabulous people names. One is named Barbara. Seriously.